Mikayla Laufer

Mikayla Laufer

Born and raised as part of the “Frozen Chosen” in Anchorage, Alaska, Mikayla’s Jewish identity and passion for Israel were developed at home and flourished after spending a year in Ashdod as part of Masa Israel Teaching Fellows. Before joining The iCenter in 2023, Mikayla worked in engagement and development at Hillel at Arizona State University and as a Hebrew / Judaics teacher at Congregation Beth Israel and Temple Emanuel in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Mikayla holds a Bachelor’s in Geology from Northern Arizona University, a Masters in Tech Management from Arizona State University, and a Masters in Israel Education from The George Washington University. At The iCenter, Mikayla pairs her passion for data-driven decision-making with her love of Israel Education by developing and implementing operational systems to further the impact of The iCenter. Mikayla lives in Skokie with her pup Cookie.

What are you happiest doing outside of work?

Outside of work, I’m happiest playing with my dog Cookie, volunteering for organizations dear to my heart, and cheering on the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Mikayla Laufer

Tastes and Smells of Israel’s 76 Years

Whether you daydream about devouring a plate of rich, creamy hummus in the shuk or drinking a robust cup of “upside-down coffee” at one of many cafes, food has a prominent place in many people’s ...

Mikayla Laufer

The Story of a Vote: 11.29.1947

By capturing the personal testimonies of Jews living during the establishment of the State of Israel, Toldot Yisrael offers authentic video materials designed to enhance personal connections to Israel through momentous events in Israeli history. November 29, ...