Tastes and Smells of Israel’s 76 Years

Whether you daydream about devouring a plate of rich, creamy hummus in the shuk or drinking a robust cup of “upside-down coffee” at one of many cafes, food has a prominent place in many people’s notions of Israel.

Food is also a great starting point for conversations, learning about Israel, and creating full-sensory Israel experiences. Cuisine in Israel has developed vastly over the past 76 years—Jewish immigrants from around the world have brought their foods, traditions, and recipes, together creating the uniquely Israeli mix of flavors and stories that we know and love.

Get to know these Israeli chefs and explore these simple-yet-delicious recipes that you can make to bring 76 years of Israeli stories, aromas, and flavors into your own kitchens!


1. What is your go-to comfort food? What makes it so?

2. What roles can food play in our identities as individuals? As a community?

3. What Jewish or Israeli dishes do you have positive associations with? Which ones feel foreign?


Imagine the smells and try out recipes from these Israeli food Instagram accounts:


Get cooking with this mix of classic and creative recipes. Bring the tastes, smells, and history of Israel into your kitchen!

Recipes with their “stories” from our “Golda’s Kitchen Cabinet” resource:

  1. Shakshuka
  2. Lemonana (Mint Lemonade)
  3. Hummus
  4. Sabich
  5. Pita
  6. Moroccan Harira Soup
  7. Burekas
More Food-Related Resources

תחנות יסוד קשורות בתחום החינוך לישראל

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