Rebecca has over a decade of experience in talent management, hospitality, and event planning. She’s passionate about crafting memorable experiences and thrives on bringing events to life with a personal touch. Rebecca’s connection to Israel began in her childhood, attending temple with her family, which sparked a lifelong appreciation for the culture and community. She currently resides in Vernon Hills with her husband and three children.
What are you happiest doing outside of work?
I enjoy seeing musicals and spending time with the family!

HaYehudim Ba’im
A Guide to the Collection AN INTRODUCTION Have you ever wondered what Jewish history might look like if God had a more pronounced sense of humor? HaYehudim Ba’im (The Jews Are Coming) takes its best ...

Songs of Collective Memory
EIN LACH MA LID’OG (אין לך מה לדאוג) | YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY UZI FUCHS “Ein Lach Ma Lid’Og,” also known as “Shilchi Li Tachtonim VeGufiyot” (the first words of the chorus), depicts the ...