Natalie Blitt is an educator and the author of two young-adult novels and three middle-grade novels. While Natalie claims that everything she knows in life she learned as a result of reading children’s books, she does understand that there are many ways to educate and inspire connections. A graduate of McGill University, she also has a Journalism degree from the University of King’s College in Halifax, and is now pursuing a master’s degree at The George Washington University in Israel Education. While she’ll proudly fly the Canadian flag at any opportunity, she currently lives in Skokie, IL, with her husband, Rabbi Josh Feigelson, and their three sons.
What are your secret talents?
I’m a serial crafter. At any given time, I could be sewing, knitting, embroidering, creating a mosaic, or flitting between all of them. One day I hope to get back to creating stained glass windows…

Israel Story’s Wartime Voices
WARTIME VOICES: SASHA ARIEV “Everything in this corner of the world has changed since Saturday, October 7. All around us, friends, family, colleagues, people have died. People are missing. People have been kidnapped. There’s a ...

Binge Watch Israel: Humor and Satire
Return to Binge Watch Israel Home Page How to “Read” a TV Series HUMOR AND SATIRE IN ISRAEL For decades, Israeli humor has been compared to their coffee: strong and black. Humor and satire ...