Max is thrilled to be at The iCenter, where he works between the worlds of content and facilitation. Within The iCenter, he holds the role of Education Content Coordinator. In this capacity, he creates new educational resources, imagines creative opportunities for their use in real-world, in-person settings, and strives to bridge the two areas. Ultimately, his goal is to help everyone find their unique way into a life of learning and educating.
After graduating from Dartmouth College, where he focused his studies on the Middle East, religion, and linguistics, Max got his MA at Harvard University in Middle Eastern Studies. Before joining The iCenter team, he spent his summers working at Ramah Wisconsin as a counselor and Rosh Eidah.
What are you happiest doing outside of work?
Watching baseball! I was born (and intend to die) a Yankees fan, but I have a soft spot for the Cubs too. Most of my free time is spent roaming the MLB App stat page like a normal person.

Soundtracks for This Time
Music is an essential component of our lives. This year, in the wake of October 7 and the ensuing war, Israel has been living with months and months of music that cannot escape the shadow ...

Hope for a Shared Future
WHERE MOHAMMAD DARAWSHE FINDS HOPE Especially in Times of Conflict, Educate for Peace by Mohammad Darawshe While the current war between Hamas and Israel is focused on Palestinians who live outside the borders of Israel, ...