Beit Avi Chai


Over the past seven months, as Israel has faced some of the most heartbreaking and challenging times, Beit Avi Chai, the Jerusalem-based hub for inspirational Jewish culture and ideas, has responded with resources that both comfort and inspire hope. 

Beit Avi Chai connected with prominent Israeli singers and composers to create an ongoing series of “studio sessions.” In each of these short, online sessions, musicians talk about their experiences over the last months and, in particular, they focus on the music that has brought them hope and comfort. Watching them play songs by fellow Israeli musicians that have become part of their personal soundtrack is breathtaking and inspiring.


Beit Avi Chai has now also created educational guides for two of the following videos: Shai Tsabari’s reflection on Al Tifchad (“Have No Fear”) and Ester Rada’s meditation on Le’ma’an Achay ve Ra-Ay (“Because of My Brothers and Friends”).

In another meaningful resource for these days, Beit Avi Chai brought Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum and Michal Greenglick together for a conversation about their brothers, grief, and the power of music.

Beit Avi Chai focuses on creating, developing and producing original Jewish content with the aim of introducing wide and diverse audiences to Jewish-Israeli culture and ideas in Israel and around the world—and engaging reached audiences to actively take part in Jewish/Israeli cultural study and activity.

תחנות יסוד קשורות בתחום החינוך לישראל

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