Community Initiatives

Where and how does Israel live in your community? With communities across the U.S. and Canada, we engage in a process of determining how they can move towards becoming an Israel infused environment.

Cohorts of community professionals and lay leaders become change agents in creating and facilitating meaningful Israel experiences. This results in a community landscape that deepens people’s connections to their Jewish peers and deepens their relationships to the people, land, and State of Israel.


Develop a collaborative community of educational leadership

Create a shift in the way Israel engagement is understood and practiced across the community

Identify opportunities to infuse Israel throughout the community

Cultivate a culture of Israel education across settings to create a shared sense of responsibility and vision

Provide a shared language and framework for Israel education

Provide opportunities to develop relationships with Israel and Israelis


We transform the landscape of Israel education within hundreds of communities, including:

  • Cincinnati Jewish Community
  • Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas
  • Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
  • Federation CJA Montreal (Gesher Chai)
  • UJA Federation of Greater Toronto—Silber Camping Center
  • AJC (American Jewish Committee)
  • JCCA
  • URJ
  • BBYO
  • LearningWorks in Philadelphia
  • UJA-Federation of New York
  • Israel21c
  • Jewish Education Project


Let’s design and implement a meaningful learning experience together, and create a culture of Israel education. Contact Dan Tatar for more information.

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