Jun 01, 2022 eJewish Philanthropy

By Alex Harris

The iCenter has launched a new initiative dedicated to reshaping how we think about teaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (the conflict). This work builds on years of accumulated knowledge and experience about what works and does not work vis-à-vis educating on the conflict, what general education teaches us about conflict and peace education practices, and what research tells us about how and why the conflict interests, challenges and engages educators and learners.

As an initial step in our process, we cataloged and evaluated over 150 resources, including 20 lesson plans, 23 textbooks and resource guides, 18 white papers, 66 books and articles, and 19 curriculum frameworks.

Additionally, The iCenter conducted dozens of focus groups with over 200 educators employing a standardized protocol of questions related to teaching conflict generally, and the conflict in particular. The result is a detailed summary of the challenges, needs, concerns, opportunities and practices of those directly involved in teaching and learning about the conflict.

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Alex Harris is project manager for The iCenter’s Conflict Education Initiative. He is a graduate of the M.A. in Israel Education program at The George Washington University