iFellows: Master’s Concentration in Israel Education


The iFellows Master’s Concentration in Israel Education nurtures and challenges knowledgeable and passionate educational leaders committed to the integral role of Israel in contemporary Jewish life. The goal of the initiative is to create systemic change in how Israel education is defined, approached, and integrated into every area of Jewish education. The program convenes students and alumni across a broad spectrum of graduate institutions training Jewish communal leaders in education, nonprofit management, rabbinical studies, and allied fields. The iCenter also partners with the Jewish Agency for Israel to include a select group of shlichim currently working within North American Jewish communities.



iFellows participate in three Chicago-based intensive seminars facilitated by a diverse faculty of leading Israel educators from around the world.



North Americans and Israelis participate in the cohort to foster relationship-building and meaningful dialogue on education and Israel.


iFellows benefit from an individualized pairing with premier professionals for a unique and unparalleled mentor experience.


iFellows based in North America receive a $2,000 stipend to create an individualized learning experience in Israel.


iFellows synthesize their learnings through a summer assignment and the creation of a creative educational final project for use in the field.


Join an international network of 500+ iFellows representing Jewish/Israel leadership of today and tomorrow.


This yearlong fellowship encompasses three in-person intensives, which exemplify educational practices and content that The iCenter regards as the core concepts of Israel education. The seminars utilize setting, program, and faculty to create a powerful and empowering experiential learning community.

A day’s schedule includes: small-group study sessions of core texts and ideas related to contemporary Israel, Jewish tradition, and educational theory; presentations by significant figures followed by extensive time for group analysis, processing, and translation into action; opportunities for individual meetings and consultations with the broad array of faculty and invited guests at the seminars; social and cultural programming; as well as collegial networking and fun.


Seminar 1

May 20-22, 2024

Seminar 2

January 6-8, 2025

Seminar 3

May 20-22, 2025


Seminar 1

May 21-23, 2023

Seminar 2

January 2-4, 2024

Seminar 3

May 21-23, 2024


Contact Rachel See for more information about the iFellows Master’s Concentration in Israel Education.

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  • img01

    Boaz Avraham-Katz

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Paige Beame

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Marla Aviva Bentley

    HUC - EMA
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    Anne Berman-Waldorf

    HUC - EMA
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    Elinor Bitton Bariach

    Haifa University
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    Sydney Bluman

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Ashira Boxman

    HUC - New York
  • img01

    Inbal Briskin Pery

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Christy Brooks

    East Carolina University
  • img01

    May Brown

  • img01

    Amit Castel

    Young Judaea
  • img01

    Neal Cronin

  • img01

    Julia Diskin

    University of Michigan
  • img01

    Lior Fridman

  • img01

    Ilana Gelemovich

    HUC - EMA
  • img01

    Adina Genn

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Joshua Ginsberg-Margo

  • img01

    Nadia Gold

    HUC - New York
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    Kanaan Goldstein

    Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
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    Steven Goldstein

    Academy for Jewish Religion
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    Wilhelmina Gottschalk

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Ari Huberman

    Hebrew College
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    Betsy Polk Joseph

    American University
  • img01

    Alysa Landry

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Elijah LaPrince Sr.

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Chloe Levian

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Maya Lotan

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Charles Mays

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Romina Naparstek

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Heidi Omlor

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Lisbeth Ornstein

  • img01

    Adi Ratzon

  • img01

    Barrie Rein Thunemann

    Gratz College
  • img01

    Max Richardson

    University of Michigan
  • img01

    Staci Rosenthal

    Boston University
  • img01

    Rocki Schy

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Sara Shalva

    New York University
  • img01

    Jeffrey Silverstein

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Talia Soudry

    Hebrew University
  • img01

    Eliana Stein

    Hebrew College
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    Sophy Turkea Yurman

    Hebrew University
  • img01

    Danit Volkov

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Mathieu Wilson

    Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
  • img01

    Erin Wyner

  • img01

    Akiva Ackerman

    Yeshiva University
  • img01

    Rachel Adams

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Yoni Alon

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Heather Alper

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Hannah Bender

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Joshua Bender

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Daniel Betzel

  • img01

    Nicole Chermak

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Sarah Clarkson

    HUC - EMA
  • img01

    Benjamin Einsidler

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Yael Farber

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Tim Gaylord

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Sarah Gindes

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Lara Goldenberg

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Victoria Greene

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Naomi Gurt Lind

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Nitsan Keidar

    Haifa University
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    Ezra Kiers

    Hebrew Seminary
  • img01

    Nina King-Madlem

  • img01

    Sheri Konowitz

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Shoshana Levine

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Sarah Livschitz

    HUC - Los Angeles
  • img01

    Brett Lubarsky

    HUC - EMA
  • img01

    Guy Mannheim

    Hebrew University
  • img01

    Ilana Mansharov

    HUC - EMA
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    Karen Martin

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Danielle Mor

    Haifa University
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    Bryan Oren

    Haifa University
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    Michal Pescovsky

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Gali Rabin Choresh

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    Maian Rahvalschi

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    Jennifer Saber

    Hebrew College
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    Ben Shovers

    University of Michigan
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    Bari Sigal

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Atara Volk-Itzchaki

    Haifa University
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    Leebat Weiss

    Haifa University
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    Sarah Weiss-Poland

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Jennifer Zak

    HUC - EMA
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    Ziv Zelinger

  • img01

    Sarah Alkyer

    DePaul University
  • img01

    Max Antman

    HUC-Los Angeles
  • img01

    Adam Bender

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Rebecca Benoff

  • img01

    Olivia Berlin

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Grant Besner

    New York University
  • img01

    Leslie Bright

  • img01

    Joe Brophy

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Marci Bykat

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Dvir Cahana

    Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
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    Batya Ellinoy

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Leah Fine

    Yeshivat Maharat
  • img01

    Doron Gertzovski

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Sarah Gindes

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Matthew Goldberg

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Sivan Gopen

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Shira Hartman

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Omer Haviv

    The iCenter
  • img01

    Jessica Jacobs

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Maura Koenig

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Rina Liebeskind

  • img01

    Dor Malul

    New York University
  • img01

    Tamar Marvin

    Yeshivat Maharat
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    Yeshi Mengistu

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Noach Pawliger

    Spertus Institute
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    Alissa Platcow

    HUC-New York
  • img01

    Samuel Rheins

  • img01

    Kimberly Rosenthal

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Tiffany Shalem

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Benjamin Sigal

    American Jewish University
  • img01

    Lisë Stern

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Hannah Taylor

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Matthew Teitelman

    Hebrew College
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    Lara Tessler

    HUC-New York
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    Rebecca Van Wagner

    Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
  • img01

    Adi Varon

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    Elana Weiner-Kaplow

    The iCenter
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    Edie Yakutis

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    Sharona Zablodovsky

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Rachel Altfeld

    HUC-Los Angeles
  • img01

    Madeline Anderson

  • img01

    Marlene Artov

    New York University
  • img01

    Aaron Blasband

    HUC-New York
  • img01

    Emily Brocks

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Megan Brumer

    HUC-Los Angeles
  • img01

    Anna Burke

  • img01

    Rand Burke

  • img01

    Amanda Campbell

  • img01

    Valerie Chambers

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Ofer Chizik

    Haifa University
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    Ian Cohen

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Emily Dana

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    Goldie Davoudgoleh

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Sharon Diamondstein

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Ben Dyme

    HUC-New York
  • img01

    Aaron Fineberg

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Aviva Melissa Frank

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Jennifer George

  • img01

    Adam Gillman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Roberta Glick

  • img01

    Lindsay Goldman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Meron Guttel

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Nadav Hacham

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Elyssa Hurwitz

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Lisa Isen Baumal

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    Sammy Kanter

    HUC-Los Angeles
  • img01

    Cheryl Katz

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Sarit Katzew

  • img01

    Naomi Kovitz

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Isaac Kurtz

    New York University
  • img01

    Rebecca Gonzales LaPage

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Sarit Lapp

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Abby Levine

    Spertus Institute
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    Joel Lewison

    Spertus Institute
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    Debbi Morin

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    Danielle Neubauer

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Doris Ovadia

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    Elisheva (Emily) Pripas

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Jennifer Quick

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    Susan Rizzo

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Uria Roth

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    Barak Sella

    Haifa University
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    Rachel Sherman Bachrach

    Spertus Institute
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    Sydney Ungar

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Talia Weisberg

    Yeshivat Maharat
  • img01

    Oded Wilson

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    Cathy Winick

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Ryan Woloshin

    Brandeis University
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    Shiran Yahav

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Noy Zarchi

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    Elana Ackerman Hirsch

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Nitzan Ben Shaya

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    Julia Bennett

    HUC-New York
  • img01

    Julia Berg

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Miriam Berk

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    Doug Berkowitz

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    David Chapman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Or Cohen

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    Sarah Cohn

    Spertus Institute
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    Jennifer Daks

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Sarah DeWoskin

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    Harel Fenigstein

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    Jenna Ferman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Libby Fisher

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    Tomer Gekler

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    Deborah Goldberg

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    Myla Green

    Brandeis University
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    Gal Hahmon

    Haifa University
  • img01

    David Heilbron

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Daniel Heinrich

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Tamar Kolumbus

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    Shirah Kraus

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    Armin Langer

    Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
  • img01

    Chayva Lehrman

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Jacob Leizman

    HUC-New York
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    Yair Lichtman

    Yeshiva University
  • img01

    Simon Luxemburg

    Brandeis University
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    Blima Maged

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Abir Maliyanker

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    Tal Mansur

    Haifa University
  • img01

    Ben Mazur

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    Kochava Munro

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Shoshana Nambi

    HUC-New York
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    Dani Nurick

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Omer Perry

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    Aaron Portman

    Yeshiva University
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    Aryeh Ronay

    Yeshiva University
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    Alicia Rosenbaum

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Shuli Schwartz Reznikovich

    Haifa University
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    Zahava Schwartz Reznikovich

    Yeshiva University
  • img01

    Leah Spellberg

    Brandeis University
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    Shannon Tepfer

    American Jewish University
  • img01

    Rachel Tessema

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    Michael Walden

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Jen Weintraub

    Spertus Institute
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    Amanda Weiss

    HUC-New York
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    Susie Wexler

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    Adi Yahalom

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    Yoav Yaron

    Haifa University
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    Leena Zelman

    New York University
  • img01

    Benj Altshuler

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    Adi Barel

    York University
  • img01

    Leah Beck

    Hebrew College
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    Maxine Berman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
  • img01

    Carrie Bettel

    York University
  • img01

    Jason Cook

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    Sasha Dominguez

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Hilla Drechler

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    Josh Gischner

    HUC-New York
  • img01

    Zach Greenwald

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Katie Hamelburg

    Brandeis University
  • img01

    Talya Inbar

  • img01

    Matthew Jadd

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    Nicole Jahr

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Karin Lagziel

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    Jessica Laux-Yaffe

    American Jewish University
  • img01

    Erin Levine

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Hadassah Levinson-Strauss

    Yeshiva University
  • img01

    Hadas Levy Brav

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    Ross Levy

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    Gal Malka

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    Jenna Mark

    HUC-New York
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    Lianna Mendelson

    HUC-New York
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    Jackson Mercer

    Hebrew College
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    Daniel Nussbaum

    Brandeis University
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    Elyse Pincus

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Elana Rabishaw

    HUC-Los Angeles
  • img01

    Fallon Rubin

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Bar Sananes

    Brandeis University
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    Amy Saltzman Barasch

    Spertus Institute
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    Sam Schauvaney

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    Ben Schillmoeller

    American Jewish University
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    Nadav Shachmon

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    Lauren Silverman

    Spertus Institute
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    Leora Smith

    American Jewish University
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    Jamie Spock

    New York University
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    Reut Tzadok

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    Mira Weller

    HUC-Los Angeles
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    Caroline Winstel

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Yotam Wolk

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    Seth Abramson

    New York University
  • img01

    Taylor Baruchel

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Sharon Ben Ami

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    Leslie Black Yarmush

    Brandeis University
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    Claire Brunhild

    Reconstructionist Rabbinic College
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    Hallie Chandler

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Shaylee Cioban

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    Denise Crevin

    HUC - EMA
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    Hannah Elkin

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Gideon Feit

    New York University
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    Jeremy Fineberg

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Tali Flomenhoft

    Brandeis University
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    Brenda Footer

    HUC - EMA
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    Eliyahu Freedman

    Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
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    Katie Goldig

    Brandeis University
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    Rivkah Good

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Elizabeth Gossage

    Spertus Institute
  • img01

    Lori Green

    HUC - EMA
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    William Hall

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Justin Held

    Hebrew College
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    David Helfand

    American Jewish University
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    Sara Himeles

    American Jewish University
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    Samuel Hollander

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Emma Jaszczak Maszi

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Philip Kaplan

    Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
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    Alexandra Kurland

    HUC - New York
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    Jessie Lavintman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Eliezer Lawrence

    Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
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    Kevin Lefkowitz

    American Jewish University
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    Moshe Lencer

    Hebrew University
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    Alison Levy

    Hebrew College
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    Tzachi Levy

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    Joanne Loiben

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Jonathan Marx

    Brandeis University
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    Joshua Mellits

    Brandeis University
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    Nomi Mitchell

    Hebrew University
  • img01

    Hait Piasezky

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    Yanira Quinones

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Shari Rothstein

    HUC - EMA
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    Ana Sazonov

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    Andrea Shapiro

    Hebrew College
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    Ruben Shimonov

    New York University
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    Natalie Louise Shribman

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Caroline Sim

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Amanda Snow

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Aliza Sperling

    Yeshivat Maharat
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    Amit Stern

  • img01

    Marc Stober

    Hebrew College
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    Zissy Turner

    Yeshiva University
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    Yair Walton

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Keren Weisshaus

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    Christina Benson-Wilson

    American Jewish University
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    Liora Alban

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Willie Balk

    Yeshiva University
  • img01

    Roberta Bergstein

    Hebrew College
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    Beryl Bessemer

    American Jewish University
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    Emily Besthoff

    HUC - New York
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    Erin Binder

    HUC - New York
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    Victoria Chabot Berman

    Yeshiva University
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    Simcha Cohen

    HUC - EMA
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    Shlomit Cohen Revzen

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Lynn Anne Cutler

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Diana Diner

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Rachel Dubowe

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Alexander Eisen

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Daniel Freedman

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Michelle Geft

    American Jewish University
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    Hait Gilad

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    Larry Ginsburg

    New York University
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    Aniko Gomory-Pink

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    David Goodman

    Reconstructionist Rabbinic College
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    Deryn Pressman-Mashin

    Brandeis University
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    Mikey Hess Webber

    Reconstructionist Rabbinic College
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    Emily Holtzman

    American Jewish University
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    Joshua Hooper

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Aklile Kebede

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    Yaara Koren

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    Rose Savage Levenson

    Brandeis University
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    Arielle Levy

    Hebrew College
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    Merav Livneh-Dill

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    Ariel Magal

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    Aviv Maman

    Spertus Institute
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    Jacob Markey

    Brandeis University
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    Liz Paige Hebrew

    HUC - EMA
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    Kayla Reisman

    Brandeis University
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    Mikhael Kesher

    Brandeis University
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    Sarah Rosenbaum

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Dan Ross

    HUC - New York
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    Jade Sank Ross

    HUC - New York
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    Gisela Schon

    Hebrew College
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    Alyssa Schwager

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Pammie Shapiro

    Hebrew College
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    Shara Siegfeld

    HUC - EMA
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    Herschel Singer

    Brandeis University
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    Joanna Spyra

    Brandeis University
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    Bailee Star

    HUC - EMA
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    Sarah Van Loon

    Spertus Institute
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    Rebecca Weiner

    Hebrew College
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    Noam Willner

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    Liel Zahavi-Asa

    Rutgers University
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    Benjamin Zober

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Herschel "Brodie" Aberson

    American Jewish University
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    Carrie Barbakoff

    Spertus Institute
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    Rachel Barnehama

    HUC - New York
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    Lucy Batterman

    Hebrew Union College - New York
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    Jacob Bernstein

    Yeshiva University
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    Danya Borenstein

    Spertus Institute
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    Julie Bressler

    HUC - New York
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    Jordy Callman

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Alon Dotan

    Federation CJA - Montreal
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    Shlomi Edelshtein

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    Mollie Feldman

    Brandeis University
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    Matan Glazer

    Yeshiva University
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    Elana Goldberg

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Eliezah Hoffman

    New York University
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    Jessica Jobanek

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Lisa Kassow

    HUC - EMA
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    Rachel Kaufman

    American Jewish University
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    Samuel Kaye

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Sasha Kopp

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Moshe Levi

    Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ
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    Max Miller

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Rachael Miller

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Murray Mizrachi

    Spertus Institute
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    Sophie Needelman

    Hebrew College
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    Elana Nemitoff-Bresler

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Natasha Tobin Cohen

    American Jewish University
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    Wilma Oskar

    Hebrew College
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    Kevin Peters

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Amanda Hollander

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Hadas Rave

    HUC - EMA
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    Bailey Romano

    HUC - Cincinnati
  • img01

    Moshe Samuels

    B'nai Jeshrun NYC
  • img01

    Josh Satok

    Brandeis University
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    Nadav Savaia

    Spertus Institute/URJ
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    Tamar Shachaf Schneider

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    Talya Weisbard Shalem

    Hebrew College
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    Rachel Smith

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Gilat Valdfogel

    Friends of Israel Scouts
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    Rina Wagman

    Brandeis University
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    Vicki Weber

    HUC - EMA
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    David Winship

    Hebrew College
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    Laura Wolfson

    HUC - EMA
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    Amit Yaniv-Zehavi

    Milwaukee Federation
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    Noah Zaves-Greene

    Brandeis University
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    Ben Zeiger

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Joel Abramson

    Brandeis University
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    Ezra Balser

    Hebrew College
  • img01

    Adam Bellows

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Snait Ben-Herut

    Hebrew College
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    Polly Berg

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Max Einsohn

    HUC - New York
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    Noah Ferro

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Liron Finkelstein

    Jewish Federation of Nashville and
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    Benjamin Friedman

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Joshua Gibbs

    Spertus Institute
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    Anna Gorbikoff

    Spertus Institute
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    Lihi Gordon

    Hillel Foundation of Orange County
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    Joseph Harary

    Yeshiva University
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    David Korenthal

    Brandeis University
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    Kelly Kossar

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Lillian Kowalski

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Tess Levine

    HUC - New York
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    Ashley Marx

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Eric Maurer

    Brandeis University
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    Teri McGuire

    Brandeis University
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    Menachem Menchel

    Yeshiva University
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    Sara Miller-Paul

    Brandeis University
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    Nasya Miller

    Spertus Institute
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    Maia Morag

    Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
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    Yifat Mukades

    American Jewish University
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    Beth Pennamacoor

    Hebrew College
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    Allyson Resnik Jacobson

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Dale Rosenberg

    Hebrew College
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    Naomi Rosenfeld

    Brandeis University
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    Samuel Rosenstein

    Hebrew College
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    Yonatan Sacker

    Regional Representative to the Midwest
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    Rebecca Schatz

    American Jewish University
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    Simone Schicker

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Tikva Shapiro

    Hebrew College
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    Elizabeth Singer

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Jeff Stombaugh

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Jessica Wainer

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Lior Abarbanel

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    Brittany Abramowicz Cahan

    Spertus Institute
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    Yahav Barnea

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    Matti Barzilai

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Dana Benson

    HUC - Cincinatti
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    Ariel Berkowicz

    New York University
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    David Bigio

    Brandeis University
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    Jessica Bram

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Eric Chafetz

    American Jewish University
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    Leah Citrin

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Daniel Cohen

    Spertus Institute
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    Allison Cohen

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Eli Cohn-Postell

    Brandeis University
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    Sarah Cort

    Spertus Institute
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    Nadav Eylon

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    Ariel Feinstein

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Jeanna Gailar-Francis

    HUC - EMA
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    Jeremy Gimbel

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Rebekkah Gold

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Abram Goodstein

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Efrat Indig

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    Debbie Kardon-Schwartz

    HUC - EMA
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    Heather Kufert

    Brandeis University
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    Aaron Levi

    New York University
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    Amit Levinson

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    Gabriel Meyerson

    American Jewish University
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    Rachel Mylan

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Lianne Novak-Tomer

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    Stacy Petersohn

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Benjamin Rotenberg

    Jewish Theological
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    Aaron Sataloff

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Joseph Shamash

    American Jewish University
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    Tamara Sharon Ross

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    Terri Soifer

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Roy Swissa

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    Evan Taksar

    Brandeis University
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    Sabrina Taran

    Brandeis University
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    Aaron Weinberg

    Brandeis University
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    Alex Willick

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Daniel Alter

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Becky Kupchan Berkman

    Spertus Institute
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    Ashley Berns-Chafetz

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Arielle Branitsky

    HUC - New York
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    David Cohen

    HUC - EMA
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    Hannah Tobin Cohen

    American Jewish University
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    Yael Dadoun

    HUC - New York
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    Lindsey Danziger

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Scott Frankel

    Spertus Institute
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    Sharon Graetz

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Josh Herman

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Jodie Honigman

    New York University
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    Levy Kerzhner

    Brandeis University
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    Rachel Kesner

    Spertus Institute
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    Dusty Rose Klass

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Meredith Levick

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Jay LeVine

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Steven Morris

    HUC - New York
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    Ariel Naveh

    HUC - Cincinnati
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    Geoffrey Poor

    Brandeis University
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    Jason Pressberg

    Brandeis University
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    Becka Ross

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Yuliya Serebryana

    Brandeis University
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    Mollie Sharfman

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Hannah Sherman

    Brandeis University
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    Jeremy Shine

    American Jewish University
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    Ilana Sidorsky

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Daniel Utley

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Akiko Yonekawa

    American Jewish University
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    Brian Avner

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Bill Bietsch

    Spertus Institute
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    Rebecca Bigman

    New York University
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    Ilene Bloom

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Ira Blum

    Brandeis University
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    Adena Blum

    HUC - New York
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    Heather Erez

    HUC - EMA
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    Dara Freedman-Weiss

    Brandeis University
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    Kendra Gerstein

    Spertus Institute
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    Mandy Herlich

    HUC - New York
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    Shaun Hoffman

    Spertus Institute
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    Andrea LeVine Kay

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Nina Loftspring

    HUC - New York
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    Rachel Marks

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Matthew Nover

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Rina Perkel

    Spertus Institute
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    Judi Price-Rosen

    Brandeis University
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    Yana Tolmacheva

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Bess Wohlner

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Bella Ben-Shach

    Brandeis University
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    Rachel Cort

    Spertus Institute
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    Michael Emerson

    New York University
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    Allie Fischman

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Seth Grauer

    Yeshiva University
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    Amanda Greene

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Deborah Harris

    Spertus Institute
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    Ami Hersh

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Abby Kerbel

    Jewish Theological Seminary
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    Lisa Kingston

    HUC - New York
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    Jenny Kirsch Stein

    Brandeis University
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    Josh Knobel

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Sarah Lauing

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Jessica Lebovits Mannon

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Rachel See

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Hannah Rubin-Schlansky

    HUC - Los Angeles
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    Tom Samuels

    Spertus Institute
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    Erica Korman Saunders

    New York University
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    Alana Tilman

    Jewish Theological Seminary

Initiative is made possible by the generous support of The AVI CHAI Foundation.

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