המחנך: כוח ההוראה, וכוח הלימוד

The Educator: The Power of Teaching, the Power of Learning

Clare Goldwater and Lesley Litman

Think of a powerful learning moment in your life. Where were you? Who guided you through this moment? What made it a learning moment and, more importantly, what made it so powerful? Powerful learning can occur anywhere. However, turning a given moment into an important learning experience demands a set of skills that includes recognizing the potential in the moment and knowing how to capitalize upon it for maximum impact. That is the core work of passionate and knowledgeable Israel educators. This piece will explore the characteristics and actions that are necessary for these Israel educators to foster and nurture powerful learning moments as they relate to Israel learning and engagement.

In considering the potential impact of Israel in educational settings, we need only go back to our own experiences of Israel inspiration and to those educators who inspired us—whether on our first tiyul, meeting our first Israeli and hearing his or her stories, or encountering Israel at camp through music and play—in order to understand the power inherent in each of us to create deep connections to Israel and our Jewish selves.

We start with a few definitions that will guide our thinking on this topic, from the general to Israel specific:


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