The Pulse of Israel: Educational Approach

Pedagogies and Principles


The Pulse of Israel is The iCenter’s curricular resource collection that uses questions to unpack current events and historical phenomena in Israel. This collection helps learners recognize the importance of questions as a timeless value of learning and as a timely tool to engage with current events. Questions demonstrate and elicit curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. Just as relationships are built on questions—where are you from?; what do you do for work?; what excites you?—The Pulse of Israel uses the medium of questions to build a better understanding of and relationship with Israel, Israelis, and many of the issues on their minds.

Questions invite ongoing discussion and multiple perspectives. The Pulse of Israel draws on a timeless, learner-centered pedagogy framed around questions rather than the transfer of information. As a tool to engage with current events, this resource collection equips learners with a new approach to dissecting, discussing, and engaging with issues that are relevant, complex, and often controversial. The Pulse of Israel helps learners develop the skills to unpack real questions that  arise today—what is (and isn’t) being asked?; who is asking?; why are they asking?

The implementation of a questions-based pedagogy that combines the timeless and timely value of questions and questioning is a uniquely Jewish approach. Israel education is and must be an outgrowth of Jewish education, itself integral to education writ large. After engaging with The Pulse of Israel, learners will be ready to understand current events, in Israel and beyond, based on the questions being circulated and with an appreciation for the opportunities that questions invite.

“This collection helps learners recognize the importance of questions as a timeless value of learning and as a timely tool to engage with current events.”

The resource collection guides learners in unpacking the complexities of Israeli society, culture, politics, and diplomacy. The Pulse of Israel uses historical context and contemporary multimedia sources about relevant topics in Israeli society to help learners grapple with the underlying questions behind government decisions, public sentiment and protest movements, diplomatic relations, and social and cultural evolutions in Israel, providing for a deep learning experience that moves beyond slogans and headlines.

A full curriculum outline of The Pulse of Israel, as well as details about the various components of the resource collection, can be found here.


The iCenter offers individualized Consultation Sessions for educators who seek further support. These sessions can be used to unpack the background guides, plan activities and discussions, or in any other way that will support the work of educators. Please reach out to to schedule a Consultation.